




Commission 8M of Madrid, your security has attacked us

The Abolitionist Assembly of Madrid issued this statement to denounce the multiple aggressions that dozens of women in the abolitionist bloc suffered during the International Women’s Day demonstration, which the 8M Commission in Madrid has appropriated in recent years . Next, the facts and the violent environment are detailed that the women of the Abolitionist Assembly and, in general, the members of the block, we lived yesterday afternoon.

After several years trying to ensure that abolitionist claims were included in the 8M agenda without success , the idea was to carry out a peaceful action to make visible our demands against the commodification of women’s bodies . 

From the early afternoon, the security cordon of the demonstration guarded the area near the stage. The security of the 8M Madrid Commission was made up of very young women and trans-activists belonging to the anti-system movement, with their faces covered . As soon as we began to approach the stage, they began to cut us off. The block, then, stopped, we kept our banners high and tried to push us back. We did not move and the first shoves and grips began. The organization increased the volume of music, and the security edged itself into our group and began to shout their slogans by sticking to us, pointing at our faces and ears with their megaphones. Some partners tried to move forward and the level of violence increased. From there everything was chaos. They threatened us and took away our banners and slit the header with a razor. Then, our sticks of ‘Stop Sexist Violence’ were torn off, thrown on the ground and trampled on.

The abolitionist movement stands out for its intergenerationality, it is composed of women of all ages, from teenagers to historical women of the struggle of more than seventy years. These older women were pushed and threatened. One of them carried a small dog in her arms. They shook it and the animal fell to the ground and was hit . The activist tried to prevent the sticks of one of our banners from being taken, the security of the 8M Commission used them to intimidate us until the police intervene and take two women from the cordon. The rest of the cordon positioned itself in front of another of our banners and they began to push us back with great force. A trans-activist accused us of having pushed him to contain the banner. They pushed more threats a few centimeters from the face of a partner. Part of our block had to go to the side because we could no longer contain the situation and the insecurity was evident. Among those who stayed inside with the big banner, two companions have reported attacks to the police. One of them tried to snatch his cell phone when he records an assault and, as they failed, they gave him a strong elbow in the chest. To another, who tried to hold up one of the banners, the shirt was lifted so that he released it and, as he did not, he received several punches in the ribs.

The situation we lived in yesterday’s manifestation was nothing but the evidence of the blockade of the claims of feminism. Interests outside the struggle of women have been trying to achieve it for years. They want to silence the voice of abolitionism and want to impose their censorship when we question their laws of self-identity. Feminism is abolitionist, and both in Madrid and between territories we will give a peaceful but firm response, united against those who appropriate the voice of feminism and have brought violence to our spaces.

Long live the struggle of women.

投稿者: appjp


